A very warm welcome from ONEVSP, a video sharing platform at the heart of our global community. At ONEVSP, we want you to experience video sharing and content creating like never before. Our intentions are clear, and we want you to be able to produce and share content that educates, entertains, and elaborates on viewers lives.
Here at ONEVSP we want our users to enjoy building their own identity within our platform.
There are so many features available like live-streaming, chat, as well as showcase videos etc with further additions in the pipe line.
As a Platform we have also recently introduced features that empower content creators like review comments that is becoming increasingly popular as it develops. Not the most favourite feature for the spammers, bots and trolls we might add!
ONEVSP terms and conditions of use are pretty straight forward. Content Creators may post material they produce to the platform as long as they comply with our policies.
Unlike other platforms, we will not erase or censor users for simply having different opinions to others!
The content posted to the platform is not necessarily reflective or representative of the views of ONEVSP, its staff or owners. (c) 2020/2021
Company number 14726231